October 29, 2012

About Emotions

I'm always probably revealing more than I should about what goes on inside my head, but here goes again! I have been really down the last month or so. It is one of those issues that I have dealt with for a good portion of my life, so it has become more of an issue like poor eyesight: I just accept it and deal with it. That said, as I sat down to write this blog, I realized that others might be dealing with similar issues and I thought that maybe I could give some encouragement.

The first thing I'd like to point out is that everyone has emotional struggles from time to time. I write that not to diminish the significance of things, but rather to normalize them. Sometimes we can use the feeling of isolation and uniqueness to fuel further lonely feelings and depression. When we recognize that while we are unique and special to God as people, but all of our emotional states are not that new or unique we can deal with even depression in a much more balanced way. 

Right along with this, I want to let you know that some of the greatest people in history are known to have dealt with deep and reoccurring bouts of depression. Job was overcome with his circumstances, Moses questioned his ability to lead, David broke over his own sin, Solomon wrote, "With much knowledge comes much sorrow," Jeremiah wrote and entire book called Lamentations, Martin Luther was known to drop into deep bouts of darkness, Charles Spurgeon struggled, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, and even Mother Teresa are also known to have dealt with what we might see as unexplainable trials of depression. I point this out in an effort to show that how you feel about things, especially in the moment, often does not point to the reality of our impact in and around the world.

That written, I hope that you can now see the possibility that our emotions are rarely reliable sources for drawing conclusions about the world and our state in it. Basically, our emotions, while they should be used and one of the pieces of the life puzzle, they should not be solely used as the filter through which we view ourselves or the world. The truth is that we have the ability to feel something that completely disagrees with truth while at other times how we feel can completely line up with truth. We must add in other issues, other facts in an effort to discern whether or not our emotions are correct or not in each given case. 

Now, you should feel normal and accepted and more reasonable, but none of this information will help you deal with most forms of depression, so what should you do? First believe. Believe. Believe that God has you and that your trust in Him is more important than how you feel about anything. This, especially if you are depressed, will be very difficult. Much of depression is VERY selfish and if not fundamentally selfish it at least leads to selfish actions, responses, and reactions. What I mean is that depression makes us want to protect ourselves and makes us feel like victims. We MUST disagree with those feelings and BELIEVE that God has us, hat He still is caring for us. 

Second, recognize that how you feel is often temporary. It is not who you are but rather how you feel. How you feel can change. If you make this "Who you are" you are making a decision to believe that God's plan for you is hopeless. The TRUTH is that God made us with reason and purpose. We each have our struggles but that is all they are; struggles. The struggles are not who we are, they are what we are challenged by. Who we are is shown and often refined by the struggles. The struggles are often temporary, even if they return. I have been dealing with depression for a very long time. It is a product of my childhood, my style of thinking, my choices, sometimes my current circumstances, and many other things. It is something that I fight from time to time, but it is NOT who I am. Neither is it who you are! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! That is the TRUTH. How you feel will pass.

Finally, hope. Hope with all that you have. Hope is closely related to belief and you can often recognize when your belief in Jesus is waning by seeing that your hope has lost its significance. Jesus has a plan and purpose for you and you can ALWAYS believe in Him and therefore have hope in where you are going. 

Today, however you feel or wherever you are at, reaffirm your trust in Jesus and therefore in the Father. Admit to Him how you feel and that sometimes you struggle. Bring to Him your best and your worst. Then trust Him. Especially when you don't believe in anything else, believe in Him. He is trustworthy. Depression is a formidable challenge but many have been here and made it! God is faithful! You can absolutely trust Him!

-Pastor Greg


  1. "our emotions are rarely reliable sources for drawing conclusions about the world and our state in it" - That's really great and extremely important for me to keep in mind!

  2. As always, I appreciate your willingness to be transparent with all of us. Such a great model for what we strive to achieve at TMC. I think you bring out some thoughts about emotions that are translatable to all of us under many different circumstances. Our motivation and direction do not come from the emotions we may be feeling at any given moment, but instead through the security and hope we have in our creator. Demonstrating faith at times when when life may be a bit rocky (internally or externally). Great stuff . . . Thanks for sharing!

  3. This definitely accomplished encouragement:) so easy to mix up intuition and direction from God with emotion and this makes us weak and vulnerable to sin. We must keep our hope, and trust in a God that loves us:)

  4. You know those times when you feel like a message is just for you? This is one of those times for me. This blog is a reminder of God's grace for me and His perpetual love that doesn't allow me to give up.

    Thank you for sharing Pastor Greg!

    God has been pulling me towards Himself asking me to just look at Him and hope in Him instead of allowing my eyes to be fixed on the challenges I or others face. My husband, close friends and the discussions at Life Group have been encouraging me in the same principle. I have not been the most happy individual for quite some time now. While I feel God has told me that that is okay, I also feel He has expressed practically that if I want to experience a change and live "life abundantly," I have to fight to change my perspectives and align my thoughts and behaviors with the Truth. So that is where I’m at: Fighting to keep my thoughts in check as I go about my days.

    Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 (AKJV)

    1. That is such a great passage to keep in mind when the negativity starts to seep in!
